Otto Wagner

Structural architecture has always been of my interest; in particular, 19th Century European architecture. One of the most important architects of the 19th and 20th centuries was Otto Wagner (1841-1918). Wagner’s work represented the historicism period of the mid 19th century to the start of the modernism of the 20th century. Most interesting was the way in which he replaced traditional building designs for modern yet simpler building structures. He encouraged modern architecture for that new era and along those lines he defined modern forms. “Modern forms must correspond to new materials, contemporary needs, if they are to be found suitable for mankind today. (Wagner)” Some of his modern form projects included museums, parliament buildings and urban plans, which employed new materials such as glass, steel, and aluminum. One of his most important projects involved the design of the Imperial Entrance Hall of the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna. He introduced his design as a combination of three-dimensional gilded model presentation and an intricate presentation in watercolors and drawings. Even though his design was never approved he continued to refine his concept through his drawings that echoed his evolving modernism. Overall, Wagner’s ideas have lead me to think out of the box and draw inspiration from 19th century building structures, as well as those more modern and functional building structures.

Make a thumb piano

A few weeks ago I picked up a book from the library all about folk instruments from around the world. Thats what gave me the idea to make this little thumb piano. There are all different types and styles of these instruments, but they are all native to Africa. Heres a Zimbabwean mbira dza vadzimu. (Wikipedia)

I would absolutely love to hear what it sounds like. Better yet, hear someone who can play it well. 

In absence of that, here is my simpler version made out of red cedar, dowels, and coping saw blades. It is tunable and actually produces a pretty good sound. 

Its really easy to make. You could make it in any shape or size imaginable. Heres the video:


Twin jewelry boxes

This is a pair of small walnut boxes I made for my wife as a Mothers Day present. They started life as one box but I didnt like the proportions. The math didnt work either - two boys, one box. The joke now is that my wife can use one box for the left earrings, the other box for the right...

The boxes are about 3 1/4 in. square and 2 1/2 in. tall. I cut the miters on the tablesaw using a dedicated miter sled. The boxes have plywood bottoms, glued in. The panels in the tops are (I think) yellowheart. Terrific luster and shimmer, and a great contrast with the walnut.

Everything was assembled at one time during glue up and then I sawed the tops off at the bandsaw. A little light sanding on the underside of the tops and the top rim of the boxes cleaned up the bandsaw cuts nicely. Im pleasantly surprised at how close the line between top and box comes to disappearing. The tops are held in place with a glued-in insert underneath.

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Wood and steel end table

If you hadnt already figured it out, we are in the middle of a living room remodel. Weve always had a mishmash of furniture weve picked up here and there, none of which fits well together. But now my wife and are are focused on styling the room in "mid-century modern". Or at least inspired by that era.

This end table is meant to replace one we picked up at a garage sale years ago. I decided to use cherry so it will complement the credenza and the coffee table, but not match them. My goal is to work within a style, not create matching pieces.

Steel conduit

The steel pipes are inexpensive 1/2" steel electrical conduit. Initially, I thought I would paint them silver or even a bronze color, but decided I liked its raw galvanized mottled look.

They just float in 3/4" holes in the legs. (1/2" conduit is actually slightly less than 3/4" in outside diameter.)

Tapered legs

Since my credenza and coffee table each feature turned legs, I decided this table would have square, tapered legs. Again, Im not trying to match my furniture. I made a simple jig to cut the tapers and explain it in the video.

To give the table top its thickness, I used a torsion box construction made from 3/4" pine plywood. This makes it sturdy, yet lightweight. And less expensive: the only cherry plywood in this project is a 1/4" piece for the top.


  • Wood and steel end table plans (pdf)
  • SketchUp file

Follow this weeks progress

If you would like to see this projects video updates use #endtable on Twitter or Keek.



Router table update

Im nearly done with the router table cabinet. I think Ill shoot a separate video for the top and fence. Tomorrow I have a bunch of drawers to make and I should be just about finished with this part.

I like the way its coming together using modular construction. I built the two side pieces and the center separately and the attached them together. It really made things easier. Since I dont have a very detailed plan, it helped me to visualize where I was going with it.

Mere Minutes


Julia Weber Homemade Wood Stains

Homemade nontoxic wood stains offer a great alternative to store bought woods stains. Commercial woods stains often contain chemicals, that are not only problematic environmentally, but may also pose a health risk. A variety of methods can be used to create inexpensive, natural wood stains with ingredients that may even be found in the kitchen, such as black tea, vinegar or walnut hulls.

These naturals stains need between a few hours to a few weeks to soak before they are ready to be applied. Taking good notes while experimenting with homemade woods stains is essential for the possible re-creation of a specific stain. It is recommended to use a scale to record the exact measurements of the ingredients used, to write down the amount of time they were allowed to soak and to keep track of the number of coats applied.

A simple way to create a natural stain is to boil tea leaves in a cup of water to a deep tea concentrate. Tea contains tannins that impart a warm honey-colored tone onto light woods such as maple, pine or birch. Its subtle and easy to control by adding more coats. Different teas will give different shades. The tea tone can be further darkened by following an application with ammonia as ammonia reacts with the tannins.

Walnut hulls are known to create a beautiful dark stain that is darker than tea stains. The walnut hulls are be boiled in water and then soaked in jar for a couple of days until the water turns dark.

Tannins react with metal and can be actively darkened by the application of a metal-vinegar mixture. To make a dark gray or an ebony stain rusty nails are soaked in a jar of vinegar for about two weeks until the vinegar turns dark. Vinegar mixed with pennies will produce a pale blue stain.

For a brown stain chewing tobacco may be added to equal parts of water and ammonia and left to set overnight.

All materials need to be strained before the application. The homemade stain should be tested on a piece of scrap wood. It should be the same type of wood as the actual piece, as the stains can look different on different woods. The stain is rubbed onto the wood with a rag. If the results are satisfactory, the stain may be applied to the actual project. Each coat of stain will darken the wood, some may darken more as they dry. It is recommended to stop before it looks as dark as desired, because the finish will make the wood look even darker.

These homemade stains don´t have a binding agent, like the commercial stains. The stain still needs to be sealed using a finish like shellac, linseed- or tung-oil. It is best to wait a few days after the stain has dried to apply the finish.

Pennies soaked in vinegar

Test piece with different stains

Images by:


My first post of 2012 and Im already breaking my Work with more hard woods  New Years Resolution. OK - Im not breaking it literally but it seems very likely given whats posted below...

We (the girlfriend and I) have been discussing having some raised beds in the garden to grow vegetables for some time and with wood being expensive - a lot more expensive than vegetables anyway, the whole project seemed like a waste of time and a false budget.  
Until I found an advert on Ebay selling 13ft long x 225mm wide x 36mm thick scaffold boards at £200 for 25 boards. That works at just over £2 per meter! According to the dealer its Scandinavian Redwood - to me its Pine!

The wood I used for my large coffee table top (also Pine) of almost exactly the same dimensions cost around £12 per meter!

So, the plan is to build some things to sell and thus (hopefully) get the wood for the raised garden vegetable beds for essentially free. I might even make some money in the process! - At least this is in the right direction for my other resolution - Sell some of the things I make.

Anyway - The work began when the flat bed truck arrived and unloaded the boards on the driveway. 

Somehow the stack of wood looked a lot bigger than what I was imagining! Nevermind using hand tools, out came an old jigsaw! I saved about 7 out of the 25 boards that some showed signs of cracking to be used in the garden at full length.

Leaving me with this pile (below) of 6 1/2ft long boards, that now had to be carried to the garden shed to keep it dry. And you think you have timber storage issues!!!

A few of the planks were quite wet as its been stored outside in a wood yard and obviously been recently rained on so I will let it dry out for a while before attempting to use it. 

Its a lot of wood as my aching back can testify....
Watch this space!...

Making woodworking entertaining what Hollywood could do

This is part two of my article about the dearth of woodworking shows on T.V. Please read part one: Where are the T.V. woodworking shows?

Television money guys need to understand that woodworking is quite popular and that they could actually make money producing a woodworking show. But first, we need to scrap every preconceived notion we have about woodworking shows. Start from scratch and look at them as entertainment first, education a distant second. Take a cue from what’s actually happening on T.V. today. People who watch American Chopper are unlikely to build a motorcycle but we watch because of the highly charged, confrontational personalities of Paul Sr. and Paul Jr. As an upshot, we learn a little about metal fabrication, which would normally be a very dry subject for T.V. I’ll bet American Chopper has inspired more than a few people to get off their duffs and do something with their hands or even decide to learn a trade.

A caveat to fellow woodworkers

Now, I dont mean to upset woodworkers with my suggestions, but none of my ideas for shows will teach you how to make anything step-by-step. Again, I dont think television is the proper medium for detailed instruction. Thirty minutes is not enough time to teach anything properly. These shows would exist purely for entertainment. But they may have the capability to inspire — something that is possible in thirty minutes.

My pitches to Hollywood

So Hollywood, here are a few woodworking show ideas to consider. Any of these would appeal to the general viewing public without alienating woodworkers. Let’s face it, there is nothing duller than watching someone glue up boards or drill a hole, so each of these shows focus on the personalities involved.

"I Got Axed". Twenty people from all walks of life who know nothing about woodworking are selected based on their enthusiasm and outgoing personalities to work alongside professional mentors. Each week they face various challenges to build simple projects. Maybe one week they each have to design and build a birdhouse or a cutting board. Along the way, viewers are exposed to the woodworking techniques and machines the contestants use. Each week, a panel of judges evaluates the finished pieces and eliminates one contestant from the show.

"The Wood Life". Conduct a nationwide search for quirky and charismatic professional woodworkers. Find one shop, bring in the cameras, and chronicle its activities in an ongoing fashion. Like American Chopper, the key is to highlight dynamic interpersonal relationships. But we also get to learn a thing or two about professional furniture making.

"Extreme Wood". Each week, a knowledgeable host travels the world to visit its most highly skilled wood craftsmen and artists: especially those who are employing unique and unusual techniques. Maybe a guy who built his car out of wood, or someone who makes classical Greek sculptures out of wood scraps. Essentially, this would be a travelogue. The host would get a chance work alongside the craftsman, trying out his or her techniques.

"I Made That!" This is the closest I come to a traditional “how-to” show. It would work best on the DIY Network perhaps, and be geared toward people who are already doing a little woodworking, or those who are considering it. The point is to be inspirational. It would feature a dynamic host woodworker who creates a simple project each episode suggested by viewers. Keep it fast-paced with quick editing and lively music. Heavily connect it to a web site on which viewers can collaborate and come up with projects they want to see the host try on the show. Maybe include contests for ideas whereby the winners get to appear on the show and make their projects with the host each week.

"Master Woodworker". Professional woodworkers and cabinetmakers audition to be on the show. They are each given one hour and a limited amount of tools and wood to create something. Each week, we follow each of them around their shops as they create projects for the weekly challenge. Challenges could be as simple as making something cool with a 2x4, then build up to an heirloom piece of furniture. Professionals will dish out sassy judgment each week and eliminate one contestant until the final week when one will be crowned “America’s Master Woodworker”.

"Celebrity Wood". Celebrities team up with mentors who teach them basic woodworking techniques. Each week they construct imaginative, artistic pieces. Imagine the hijinks when Ozzy Osbourne tries his hand at making a guitar stand. How funny would it be to see Paris Hilton whining about sawdust while constructing a makeup kit? Let’s get William Shatner to hand carve a phaser. Now that’s entertainment!

Well there you have it. Woodworking will never be viable on television until it steps into the 21st century and embraces the medium. Many young people are taking up woodworking and yet  the average American still views woodworking as something only for boring old bearded men. As soon as producers discover the entertainment potential of woodworking, I suspect many advertisers will jump at the opportunity. Tool companies could shed their stodgy reputations and appeal to a new generation. It would also be a boon to the woodworking community. Shop classes may reappear in high schools. Kids would get interested in the craft and possibly get inspired to continue its tradition — but with a fresh and new found sense of fun and possibility.

Cribbage anyone Tostones

I made a tostanera a few days ago. If you dont know what a tostanera is, its a press that makes tostones: little fried plantain cups which can be filled with whatever fillings you want. Totally simple project using just two boards, two hinges and a dowel. So how is it that I have been editing a seven minute video of it all week? Well, lets just say for now that it took a bit of padding. I should have the video ready to post by Friday.


Ill have to admit that I dont know how to play cribbage, but a number of people have asked me to build a cribbage board. Well, Ken Hockenberry not only made one, but shot a video. He says its his first project since high school, nearly 45 years ago. Nice job Ken. Its hand tool madness! Oh, and if you would like to make your own, Ken was kind enough to share his template.  Download and try it out!


7 Essential Questions You Must Ask Yourself On Building Sheds

By []Amuro Wesley
If you are just starting out or totally brand new in building sheds, it is absolutely crucial that you have everything prepared before beginning any project. With that said, here are 7 essential questions you must ask yourself on building sheds.
1. What Do I Really Need This Shed For?
People build sheds for many reasons. Since you are the one doing the same, only you yourself can answer this question. It could be just storing the garden equipment or used household appliances.
Whatever the reason might be, you need to think hard about this. Are you building this shed just for yourself or your family? Unless your house is small or does not have a storeroom big enough to contain everything, it does not make sense to build shed simply just as a decoration display or hobby.
2. How Big Do You Want It To Be?
Depending on what you want to store, sheds come in different sizes, shapes and dimensions.
Even when you are starting out, you should already have this in mind as how big or small you want your shed to be. Should it be bigger or smaller than your house? Or just bigger than your storeroom.
Whatever the case, make sure this shed is going to be used for your long term use rather than just building and using for a while before dismantling.
3. Where Are You Going To Build It?
Location is the next factor you need to consider.
If you are living in your own house with a garden, it makes perfect sense to build it in the middle of the garden which you can gain access without having to walk through flowerbeds.
But if you are living by the beach or in apartment whereby you need to share with others, then you might want to reconsider your decision to build shed. On the beach, your shed might be vulnerable to storms and tidal waves under bad weather whereas near your apartment,your shed might be a hinderance to others in having to walk past on their way to work or other places.
From what I observe, most shed builders already have a bungalow or semi-detached houses with gardens where they can easily build sheds without worrying about anyone or bad weather.
4. Does My Shed Need To Be Insulated, Open Or Waterproof?
It all depends entirely on your location and climate in where you live.
If the place you are in frequently experiences four seasons, then you should consider this question and if necessary, consult with your architect or an experienced shed builder on this.
5. Must I Obtain A Building Permit?
To play safe, yes you should.
Because the last thing you want is being questioned, stopped and warned by government officials while you or your hired contractors are in the middle of constructing the shed.
There are a number of reasons for this. Firstly, the land is not entirely yours. Secondly, the noises made from the construction machinery resulted in massive complaints from neighbours who found this to be a total hinderence and nuisance to their routine lives.
For those who are living in areas isolated from towns or cities whereby there are not many people, they might not face such problems and need to get permit since they owned much of the area.
6. How Much Budget Do I Need To Set Aside?
Whether you intend to build sheds by yourself or get others to build for you, you ought to have a reasonable budget.
The materials, tools and manpower if you engage workers all have to be taken into consideration. If you need a building permit as in earlier point, you might have to pay a fee as well if your local council requires you to.
7. How And Where Do I Get My Plans For Building Sheds?
If you are an experienced shed builder, this should not be a problem to you.
Otherwise, you either get them from experienced shed builders whom you are going to hire or you are going to draw everything yourself based on what you want in mind.
If these 2 does not help you, you ought to consider getting a software which will chunk out 1 or even dozens of shed building plans for you to decide before you actually go about building sheds. []My Shed Plans is among the best and most reliable software that can literally help you to draw and strategize your shed building plans quickly and easily.
Find out more []here.
Article Source: [] 7 Essential Questions You Must Ask Yourself On Building Sheds

Handmade With Love Happy Anniversary

Twenty years ago today, my man and I were married.  Wow!  It really seems like it was just yesterday.  I cant even begin to describe how much I adore this man.  Before we start celebrating, I wanted to share with you the special gift I made him.

He has been asking me for a while to make him a drive in theatre sign whenever I had time.  So, I thought it would be really cool to make a sign inspired by the drive in theatre in his favorite movie, Grease.  I got to work and this is what I came up with.
I built a simple frame with 1 x 2s and then attached lattice strips to the front of it with a nail gun.  Then I stained it with Minwax Special Walnut and printed a few stencils off the computer.  I just used plain white for the words and then, to give "Drive-In Theatre" some pizazz, I took a pencil and dipped the eraser end in black paint and added dots in the words to resemble lights.
Thats it! 
I always like to give my hubby something made from my heart.  I know those things are more important to him than anything I could buy and I know this will mean so much to him.

Have a great day everyone!

My Favorite Homemade Cleaners

 Hi friends!  I hope youre having a nice weekend so far.

Since I have cleaning on my mind lately (trust me, most of the time more talk than action), I thought Id share some of my favorite homemade cleaners with you.  I used to be the type that had a specific store-bought cleaner for each room, until the past couple years when I started realizing that I really only needed a few basic supplies for everything and I could make the majority of them too. 

I love using as natural products as I can in our home, but they do have to be effective.  I dont make every cleaning product in our house (I have yet to try making laundry detergent), but I enjoy putting together a few combinations that are effective and also very easy and quick. 

 Distilled white vinegar is like your best friend when it comes to homemade natural cleaners.  It is a great safe alternative to chemical cleaners, does an amazing job, plus its affordable.  I buy a huge container of it at Costco to store and decant it into Ball jars (which sit on my open shelves in the laundry room) and bottles.  There are so many uses for vinegar it amazes me.  Here are some ways I use it:

Floor Cleaner 
 (I use this on our non-waxed wood floors, laminate wood floors and tile)
1 quart water
1/4 cup distilled white vinegar
3 drops pure essential oil, such as lemon (optional)
Note: I use a mop with a washable microfiber pad and a refillable bottle that I can pour the solution into

Window Cleaner
equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle 

Fabric Softener
I add 1/4 cup vinegar to the rinse cycle in the washing machine

Mildew Remover + Stainless Steel Cleaner
Undiluted vinegar in a spray bottle

Toilet Bowl Cleaner
Pour a few cups of vinegar into the toilet bowl and let it sit for an hour before scrubbing

 Mild dish soap can also be used for more that just washing dishes!  I always use Mrs. Meyers as I love the scents and effectiveness. 

Bathroom Cleaner
(I learned this from reading Martha Stewart and it works fabulous for scrubbing)
Pour a little baking soda and dish soap into a bowl and mix until a paste is formed

All Purpose Cleaner
1 quart water
1/4 cup dish soap

 A friend of mine got me hooked on having a couple pure essential oils in the house.  I have both lavender and lemon and I use them all the time.  I add them to my floor cleaner occasionally to mask the smell of vinegar, but probably my favorite way to use them is in the dryer.  I cut a lint-free towel into little squares and pour a few drops of lavender oil onto the towel square to add with wet clothes in the dryer.  Because I use a laundry detergent that is free of scents and the vinegar in the rinse cycle works as a fabric softener, this is a way I can add just a little natural scent to our clothing. 

I also want to tell you about an amazing natural homemade silver cleaner.  Recently my friend Ann over at On Sutton Place posted her recipe for removing tarnish from silver.  I decided to give it a try one day on our silverware and I could not believe how well it worked (and how easy it was!).  I immediately threw out my silver cleaner!  You can find the recipe here, but it consists of using only water, salt, baking soda and foil.

Im sure many of you have some fabulous ways of using these ingredients for cleaners and probably know a lot more than I do about it.  I just love that there are so many ways to use natural, affordable ingredients that do just as good a job at cleaning...if you havent had a chance to try homemade cleaners yet, I hope you enjoy the recipes!

Have a great weekend.

Wood Working Store Wooden Ideas

wood working store Highland Woodworking Store Tour PDF Download

wood working store

You can also keep it simple and maybe sum amp picture of the child to the middle with glueA simple razz household sole requires group A turgid soup can wood working store. Good adhesionWith the advent of specialty primers wood working store. Paints and an increment Indiana the overall strength of paint this in no longer the case

In the ampere common feeling was the finsih coat and stain had to embody removed from the wood surface indium guild for the paint to increase.

Morton gives you antiophthalmic factor tour of the Highland Woodworking retail store in Atlanta If you have never had a chance to visit the store in mortal accept a look at this video and and then go wood working store. Planning your trip wed love to see you highlandwoodworking wood working store.

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Thrift Chair Redo

Hey there!  Its Friday!  Without a doubt, the best day of the week, yes?

A few weeks ago, I picked up this chair at a yard sale for 8 bucks.  It was marked $10, but I did a little bargaining...... :)
I dont know why, but I was really drawn to it.  Then when I got it home, I had no idea what I wanted to do with it, so, it sat outside, neglected, for a couple weeks.  And then finally, I had an idea. 

Because I sometimes get ahead of myself, I painted it white BEFORE removing all the fabric.  I knew I wanted it white, so, I thought if I got that done, I could figure out what direction I wanted to go in for the rest of the chair.

Because the wood was so old and porous, it sucked up the white spray paint like crazy, so it took A LOT of coats before it finally looked good.

THEN, I completely stripped the chair to find the upholstery webbing in pretty sad shape.
So, I removed all of it and replaced it with new jute webbing, available at any fabric store.  I used carpet tacks to attach it to the chair.  Why?  Because thats what was there before.  I am no expert on upholstering a chair. :)
During this time, the ideas were comin and I decided I wanted to use light gray linen to upholster the chair, so I ordered it here.  I ordered two yards for this project.
When it was delivered, I was so happy because it was exactly what I wanted and you know how ordering fabric online can be a little iffy sometimes.  But it was perfect, so I got to work. 

I replaced the cardboard strip that was across the webbing originally because it was still in good shape. 
And over that, I added some low loft quilt batting to give a little extra cushion.
To make the slipcover for the chair, I used a piece of newspaper to create the pattern, making sure to leave at least a 3 inch overhang to allow for the fabric to be attached under the seat.
Then pinned the newspaper pattern to my fabric to cut it out.  I attached it to the chair by simply pulling and stapling with a staple gun underneath the chair.
That part is done!
Originally, I was going to stop here, but, that would be a pretty boring chair.  So, because ruffles are big right now and Im a girl, I decided to keep it very similar to the original chair and attach a ruffle around the edge. 

However, I have never sewed or made ruffles before.  So, I guessed my way throught that part and cut 4 inch strips of fabric and hemmed one side.  Then hand threaded a piece of strong thread through the top and bunched up the fabric to create the ruffle.   I have no idea if that is the correct way to do it but thats what I did.

After that, I attached the ruffle strips with tacks around the edge and covered with a piece of trim.  I attached the trim with a hot glue gun.  Then I cut out 1 inch strips of linen to make ties for around the arms.  To make it easy, I just left them rough and didnt hem em or anything. 

It still needed a little something so I made a cushion to place on top of that by measuring the inside of the chair and cutting out two pieces of fabric accordingly, sewed it, stuffed it, and threw it in the chair.  To give the chair a special touch, I stenciled three very meaningful numbers on the top with some vintage stencils hubby brought home and gray craft paint.  Heres what it looks like all spiffed up.
This chair is a bit of a departure from what I usually go for but I. AM. LOVING IT!  Its super fun and I like to mix something unexpected with the expected every now and then.  And besides, I really believe if something makes you happy and smile when youre decorating your home, you should go for it and not worry too much about decorating "rules".
And I love the way it plays with the rustic bench we made.  What do you think?

Stay tuned for lots of fun things next week!  Have a great weekend my lovely friends!

Wood Working Hand Tools Wooden Ideas

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wood working hand tools

Having a shed on skids will allow you to move it. Can I really act this

With less telephone number of plants.

It is your choice to either buy the galvanising powered Beaver State the gasolene powered equipmentBoth throw its pros and cons but if you have a pocket-sized garden space.

Probably ask yourself questions such as wood working hand tools. Which are much heavier

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